Panel 14

Re-defining Production and Distribution

Dorothee Wenner
Tamer El-Said
Shai Heredia
Frieder Schlaich
Ela Troyano

The panel assessed the current state of promoting and distributing film products. It considered the sphere of existing financing and production realities in relation to a newly possible sphere of production for advanced films, which break with the fixed pre-existing frameworks of institutional establishments.

New technological conditions and developments have logically facilitated distinct forms of distribution that are appropriate to the individual products. The implementation of these forms, however, has been shamefully neglected in all its possibilities by the existing practice of a one-sided fixation on market forces (be it in art or in cinema). The panel focussed on new models of how financing, producing, and distributing relate.

Dorothee Wenner (filmmaker, curator, Berlin)
Tamer El-Said (director, producer, Zero Production, Kairo)
Shai Heredia (curator, filmmaker, Experimenta, Bangalore)
Frieder Schlaich (producer, filmmaker, Filmgalerie 451, Berlin)
Ela Troyano (filmmaker, Creative Capital, NYC)